Expenses logging
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As per our expense policy, every expense needs to be logged via Avaza. Upon creating an Avaza expense, you get the following fields to fill in:
Except for "Merchant Tax Number" and "Group / Trip Name", all fields need to be filled in with utmost exactitude. If an expense is linked to a project and will be charged back to the customer, you need to mention the customer and tick the "Reimbursable" box.
For the "notes", it is important that you put as much context as possible regarding this expense. This facilitates the processing of the expense by the accountant.
Regarding the receipt, it has to be ideally an invoice with Astrafy information or a formal receipt detailing the services provided.
Hereafter is the legal information regarding Astrafy entities in case you need this information to request an invoice:
Name: Astrafy SA
Address: Boulevard Georges-Favon 3, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
TVA: CHE-495.450.409 TVA